Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning, Mr. Rudin.
I'd like to ask you a question on a different topic. I will not raise the possibility of the creation of a single securities regulator. You did not provide any clear demonstration of why such a major change is justified. In Quebec, our major financial institutions are attributing their current setbacks to asset-backed commercial paper. Those institutions are telling us that all of the references received by rating agencies were good. Specifically, we are talking about DBRS and Standard & Poor's, agencies that are controlled by the federal government. These agencies are paid by securities issuers, which in turn will provide suggestions or recommendations to the agencies so that their ratings are improved. Do you not believe that there is a conflict of interest within these agencies, as ultimately they misled many of our financial institutions?
I'd also like to know why the Bank of Canada still includes asset-backed commercial paper on its list of collateral? I think it's a major point that everyone continues to have doubts on. How is it that this component, despite its positive ratings, generated such huge losses for so many financial institutions?