Absolutely. I'd be pleased to respond.
On the issue of the size or the impact of the stimulus, Mr. Dechert, I don't think it's appropriate for me to speak about how that's going to work out.
In terms of the financial sector itself, I feel quite confident that there are a number of things that have been put in place by the government over the past very difficult year, and also there are new measures in the budget that I think are very positive.
We've mentioned today the notion of increasing the cooperation and the scope of the crown financial agencies, particularly EDC and BDC--obviously very positive.
There has been one government program in place for actually a while now, the insured mortgage purchase program, which is where financial institutions, banks, and other institutions can offer securitized mortgages to CMHC, which are guaranteed CMHC mortgages, and the government provides liquidity in exchange for a fee, I might say, on commercial terms. But that has been helpful in providing liquidity to banks so that then they can turn around and provide mortgages. I think we've seen the proof of the pudding there in terms of the rates of mortgages. An offering of mortgages has been very solid and very high. All of these are good.
I think there are also programs that Mr. Nantais referred to, the one that relates to leasing--this $12 billion program. It remains to be seen; the details are being worked out on exactly that. Once again, the focus on trying to activate certain markets I think is quite positive.
Also, doing a bit of something for the small business loan program out of the Department of Industry, to rev that up, to cut the paperwork there, we'd love to see more of that happening. I think that also is a positive initiative.
The one initiative that you did refer to, the common securities regulator, I've already commented on. In terms of our regulatory structure, we're praised around the world for our regulatory structure. There is one component part missing. I think we can do better in terms of more focused securities regulation.