Yes, I'd be happy to.
I think one of the most significant risks that pensioners face today is on the termination or wind-up of a pension plan. Today there's no debt contract created between the retirees, the employees, and the sponsoring company. Our proposal is that when a company terminates its plan there would be a debt obligation created whereby the sponsor of the company would have to fund those pension obligations, either up front or over a period of five years. We would like to balance that proposal, which strengthens the benefit security for employees, with the ability to extend the funding of solvency discount rates from five years to ten years, again recognizing the long-term nature of those liabilities and recognizing that the reality is that most companies are going concerns. Nav Canada, Bell Canada, many of the members we represent have been in existence, like Bell Canada, for over 100 years, and will hopefully be in existence for another 100 years. If we can protect employees at the time when a plan is terminated or wound up, we believe it's appropriate to extend the time horizon for funding.
And also, recognizing that the going concern valuation already allows 15 years of funding, it seems to us quite punitive to have a short five-year period on solvency funding.