Mr. Chairman, I'd like to move on to the question of the benchmarks that we were discussing before.
We have before us Mr. Raymond, who is in charge of public markets. There's also a Mark Wiseman, who is the senior vice-president of private markets. Mr. Wiseman is not here.
The private market benchmarks don't reflect liquidity risk, leverage, and the beta--in other words, the market returns A--of the underlying investments, allowing you to easily beat them so that you can justify your bonuses. I've looked through the annual report, and despite what Ms. Warmbold said before, there is no indication in there of what those benchmarks were.
Indeed, in your presentation you say, word for word, that your performance bonuses—which you obviously have every intention of paying yourselves again this year—are based on two factors: how the fund performs overall and whether you generate returns above a market-based benchmark. But you don't give them for the private markets. We just don't have them.
So I'd like to make the following suggestion. Now that you've heard what's happening in the real world, where people who have worked in sawmills all their lives are losing their pensions, and now that you know that your base salary is already the highest of anybody anyway, with the millions of dollars you paid yourselves last time, I'm going to make a strong suggestion to you that you refrain from paying yourselves....
And I understand the subtlety here, that it's not you, it's the board, but let's not kid ourselves. Let's be honest and say that at this time of grave economic crisis, the last thing you should allow yourselves to do is to be paid bonuses.
If you really need to be convinced of that, at least make a proposal that any bonuses that are based on this four-year examination be put in abeyance. Find a technique, find a mechanism, to put them in abeyance, at least until we can measure those four years.
Coming as it does, at the end of a year when you've lost at least $15 billion to $20 billion in the CPP fund, I think very few Canadians would put up with seeing people who are already paid a base salary as much as you are paid also paying themselves a bonus.