Thank you for that explanation. We tend to agree with you, and that's a reason to come back to it.
Mr. Sproule correctly pointed out that there was an NDP motion that was adopted unanimously just a couple of days ago in the House, which calls, for example, for the people at the CPP Investment Board to give back the millions of dollars of bonuses they paid themselves. I think there's a bit of a theme developing there.
The other thing it would do, of course, is fix this type of problem. There's nothing to stop us from doing it. But it would seem, from the meetings that were described, that the government is anxious to see Nortel go into liquidation, as opposed to doing everything it could to keep it vital and keep it as a going concern. That, for us, is extremely distressing information.
Also, the reference to the Income Tax Act is correct. We've looked at this issue in this committee, and it's part of what has to be fixed. Obviously when times are good you have to be able to top up more, and that limitation shouldn't be where it is right now. Your explanation was completely right.
There's another strange thing. The head of the Canada Revenue Agency was in here just a few short weeks ago, and we asked how it was that the employees of JDS Uniphase had had a very special remission with regard to their phantom income, and asked why that deal was not available to Nortel employees. We asked him if he had ever seen that before, that a remission order in a very specific case was not generalized to others. He said that in the 90-year history of the Canada Revenue Agency, no one had ever seen that, and he had never seen that. That's from the head of the agency.
The only difference between the two is that every single employee of JDS Uniphase—and I'm very glad for them that they got the remission—happens to be in Minister Lunn's riding. That's the only thing they seem to have going for them. So let's hope that the fact that a lot of the retirees live in some of the ridings, especially those who are from the Ottawa area, might make them a little more amenable than the ministers who were mentioned: Minister Flaherty; the Minister of Industry, Mr. Clement; and the Prime Minister.
Again, thank you for putting such a human face on this issue for us and explaining your individual situations, especially with the employees on disability.
I would love it if you could provide us, Mr. Clooney.... You gave us a very specific bit of information with regard to documents that refer to Sun Life and a deduction. Perhaps you could supply that to the clerk of the committee so that we could actually see it. It's incredible. I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm just talking about the situation itself, that people would be led to believe they have insurance, that they find out it doesn't even exist, and that they're general creditors.