Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
On behalf of the 17 members of the Alberta Association of Colleges and Technical Institutes and post-secondary learners in Alberta and across the country, I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to be in Yellowknife this morning and speak a little bit about our brief that was presented to the committee a while back.
I can't do that without doing a commercial on AACTI before I get into the meat of the brief. As I said, we represent 17 publicly funded post-secondary institutions in the province of Alberta. These institutes enrol about 56% of the province's post-secondary learners on an annual basis.
We have two technical institutions. The Alberta College of Art and Design and the Banff Centre are members. We have two newly constituted undergraduate universities in Alberta: Mount Royal University in Calgary and Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton. The balance of our members is made up of community colleges, which play a really valuable role in post-secondary education in Alberta.
Virtually all of our members are members of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, ACCC. You'll find some parallels in our brief and the brief that ACCC is to present to the committee.
I'd like this morning to talk about booms and busts and recessions, opportunities and risks and rewards, pure research and applied research, and change and evolution, but I only have five minutes, so I'm going to talk about evolution because it seems to be the easiest one of the bunch I just listed.
It's a little-known fact that the Canadian government, about 50 years ago, was largely responsible for the Canadian community college system. Back at that point in time, high school education was the benchmark. If you didn't have a high school education, it was very, very difficult to get a good job in Canada. The thought was that if you got that high school diploma, you could likely get a career that would last you a lifetime.
Colleges were in the middle between universities and high schools. University education, 50 years ago, was the pinnacle. It was the key to massive success in the workforce.
Now we have evolved and things have changed. High school is a bare minimum. I wouldn't want to be too crass, but you must have a high school education or there is really no chance for good employment.
Post-secondary education is essential for success. Universities are starting to focus on post-grad studies as opposed to undergraduate, and there is a generational shift. There are three to four college graduates in the workforce in Canada for every university graduate. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business suggests that the ratio should be six graduates from colleges for every one from universities.
Only about 15% of the Canadian workforce has a university education, although about 65% of the Canadian workforce has post-secondary education, so the role of our colleges and technical institutes in the Canadian workforce is essential.
The dollars spent on post-secondary education are not a cost; they're an investment. We mention in our brief that we've recently completed a socio-economic impact study in Alberta. I won't go over the statistics in the brief, but it's easy to see that an investment in post-secondary education pays returns.
Post-secondary grads earn more over their lifetime, which means they pay more taxes. They're healthier, which means they use less health care dollars. They are less likely to draw down on social programs, which means that over the course of their lifetimes they do contribute much to the Canadian economy.
The post-secondary system enhances the skills of the workforce. We don't educate enough skilled workers to meet the demand.
The economy will recover. I noted in our brief that if we were to have presented this a year ago, times would have been different. Times would have been different, but I don't know that the recommendations would have been different from what they are today. We'll again wrestle with significant skills shortages.
In order to assist in meeting those skills shortages, we've made two recommendations, which, as I indicated, support what ACCC is trying to accomplish from a national perspective.
Do I just have one minute left? Is that all?
We recommend that the government establish a fund to support infrastructure in an amount sufficient to supply the economy with required advanced skills. ACCC's recommendation is that over the period 2009 to 2014, the federal government invest $500 million annually on a cost-shared basis with the provinces and territories. We also recommend increased funding for Indian and Northern Affairs so we can really engage first nations, Métis, and Inuit learners in the system.
There has been an evolution in research. Fifty years ago colleges and technical institutes did not do research. That was the realm of the universities. The focus these days is on tech commercialization. Our institutions work in 106 communities in Alberta in lockstep with small and medium-sized enterprises, industry, and the community.
We're building capacity in Alberta to do applied research and take the ideas of Albertans and Canadians to the worldwide market. The focus can't remain on universities for research. We shouldn't take dollars away from research for universities, but we need to recognize the necessary role played by colleges and technical institutes across the country.
The recommendation of ACCC, supported by AACTI, is that instead of redistributing the envelope for research dollars in the country, let's make it marginally larger. Increase it by 5% and inject that amount into research, product development, and commercialization projects of colleges and technical institutes across the country. That represents about a $250 million investment annually, in addition to what's currently being spent.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.