Merci. Thank you.
Mr. Chair, distinguished members of the House standing committee, thank you for providing us the opportunity today to participate in this committee's hearings on the 2009 budget consultations.
My name is Michael Broad, and I am president of the Shipping Federation of Canada. I'm accompanied by Captain Ivan Lantz, our director of marine operations, who will assist in responding to your difficult questions.
The Shipping Federation of Canada represents the ships and their operators that carry Canada's international trade. Our contribution to the 2009 pre-budget consultations is to raise a red flag regarding the urgent need to provide funds for the replacement of the Canadian Coast Guard's icebreaking fleet.
As past budgets have earmarked funds for the coast guard's fleet, there is a widespread belief that renewal of the icebreaking fleet is being taken care of and that the government can therefore focus on other priorities. We are here to advise that the funds announced in previous budgets were actually flagged for other types of vessels. Indeed the only icebreaking funds that have been allocated are to a polar icebreaker dedicated to Arctic waters. This means that navigation south of the 60th parallel, which is where almost all shipping activity takes place in this part of the country, has had to make do with an aging icebreaker fleet that is stretched to its limits in terms of capacity and liability and provides no margin for error. Unforeseen circumstances are emergencies, and it is increasingly costly to maintain.
The essence of our testimony is simple. Canada is already at the precipice with respect to its icebreaker fleet and must act now to address the situation. More specifically, the coast guard needs funds to replace seven icebreakers, six medium and one light, and one ice-strengthened vessel, and to add one more ice-strengthened vessel to its fleet. Our recommendations cover nine out of the existing fleet of 18 vessels supporting ice navigation. We estimate they will cost between $330 million and $990 million to build, depending on whether the icebreakers were purchased under commercial terms on the international market or built in Canada.
Although these funds have to be earmarked now to get the process started, the actual delivery of the vessels could take as long as 10 years due to the complexity of the government procurement process. In the meantime, eight of the existing ships that have to be replaced will need to be refurbished, which we estimate will cost some $130 million. Therefore the total cost of our recommendations for replacement and refurbishment translate into a budget proposal ranging between $460 million and $1.12 billion.
Our written brief refers to the coast guard's 2008-2011 business plan, which was the most recent plan available when we wrote the brief this past summer. However, the coast guard has released its plan for 2009-2012, which includes the following points of interest. We've printed the relevant excerpts of the new business plan in French and English for circulation by the clerk.
The coast guard will develop its first integrated investment plan in 2009-10, announced under priority three. We recommend a comprehensive fleet replacement plan be integrated into this plan and that the government earmark the corresponding funds. The cost of replacing the coast guard's entire fleet--that's not just icebreakers, that's everything including 22 helicopters--is about $10 billion, while the fleet's net book value is only $463 million. This clearly reflects the extent to which the coast guard's asset base is deteriorating.
Furthermore, fleet replacement estimates have doubled over last year, when they were about $5 billion, due to a marked escalation in vessel replacement costs--and I quote the coast guard on that.
The report--that's the 2009-2012 coast guard business plan--acknowledges, and I quote from section 5, “Financial Information, Assets and Liabilities”:
In recent years it has become apparent that the inadequate recapitalization of our Fleet assets would result in the eventual inability of CCG to sustain its required levels of service.
Table 22 of this report, which provides an overview of the coast guard's major capital and planned expenditures, shows vessel life extension totalling $74.5 million and vessel refits and refurbishments totalling close to $330 million over the next five years. Such a budget would cover, at least in part, the cost of extending the life and refurbishing eight of the existing vessels mentioned in our recommendations. However, the budget item entitled “Procurement of Major Vessels”, which totals $1.1 billion over five years, does not include any icebreaker for navigation south of the 60th parallel.
Annex D to the 2009-2012 plan represents the follow-up actions taken in response to the nearly ten-year-old Auditor General's recommendations of 2000 and 2002, which include the need to procure new and replacement vessels. Although the coast guard lists a number of vessels for which it has taken action, it makes no mention of replacing the icebreaker fleet.
As mentioned in our brief, we along with a number of other stakeholders are seriously concerned with the government's inaction with respect to planning the renewal of the icebreaking fleet. Such planning is particularly important given the age of the existing fleet, the key role it plays in ensuring the safety of winter navigation, and the huge delays that are intrinsic to the process of procuring and delivering new ships. Starting to plan today will allow for new ships to be delivered in eight to ten years. Each year of inaction or postponed action generates escalating maintenance and refurbishment costs and increases the vulnerability of the system as a whole.
Mr. Chair, distinguished members of the committee, we thank you for your attention. I'd be pleased to answer questions later.
Thank you.