There is a lot of progress being made on that. There are a number of organizations. The Social Planning Council of Winnipeg is, in essence, a coalition of different organizations, and I would feel more comfortable with some of our members here. For instance, we have the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba, which has already opened some transitional housing. In fact, it happens that our office is right across from their transitional housing in downtown Winnipeg, not far from here. They're just about to begin building a second phase of transitional housing, and that will have federal money in it as well as provincial money. So we are delighted to see that. We think that is transitional, not a permanent solution, but it's transitional housing for people and that can be very useful.
At the Social Planning Council we've initiated a project that we're calling the African immigrant centre for action, because a young African man with some experience, a war-affected person, came forward to us and said an awful lot of African young people he was speaking to were simply unaware of the range of social services. It's not that there weren't services available for them; it's that they had no way of connecting up with them.