Penelope Marrett President and Chief Executive Officer, Operations, Canadian Health Food Association
Peter George President and Vice-Chancellor, McMaster University
Mo Elbestawi Vice-President, Research and International Affairs, McMaster University
Art Sinclair Vice-President, Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce
John Rae First Vice-President, National Board of Directors, Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
Daniel Levi President and Chief Executive Officer, GrowthWorks Capital Ltd.
Joel Duff Organiser, Canadian Federation of Students (Ontario)
Ian Russell President and Chief Executive Officer, Investment Industry Association of Canada
Shelley Carroll City Councillor and Chair of the Budget Committee, City of Toronto
Peter Kim Lead, Centre for Image-Guided Innovation and Therapeutic Intervention
Andrew Wilkes Chairman, Board of Directors, National Angel Capital Organization
Ross Creber President, Direct Sellers Association of Canada
Jack Millar Tax Advisor, Millar Kreklewetz LLP, Direct Sellers Association of Canada
Thomas Looi Program Director, Centre for Image-Guided Innovation and Therapeutic Intervention
Carol Wilding President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Board of Trade
Bill Galloway Senior Vice-President, Government Affairs, Holcim Canada Inc.
Paul Oberman President and Chief Executive Officer, Woodcliffe Corporation
David Ferguson Chair of the Board of Directors, Canadian Opera Company,
David Campbell Chair, Government Relations Committee, Canadian Retail Building Supply Council
Jeanne Holmes Board Chair, Canadian Network of Dance Presenters CanDance
Judith Wolfson Vice-President, University Relations, University of Toronto
Fraser Young Executive Director, Green Vehicle Exchange Program
John Dewar Vice-President, Strategic Services, Upper Lakes Marine and Industrial Inc.
Marny Scully Executive Director, Policy and Analysis, Office of Government, Institutional and Community Relations, University of Toronto