Thank you, Chair. I'll make my comments as brief as possible to allow time for the questions from committee members of course.
First of all, let me applaud you, Chair, and all of the finance committee members for your work over the past several weeks in travelling coast to coast to coast as part of your pre-budget consultations. I know hundreds of people and organizations want to make presentations to you, and the work you're doing is very important to help inform the next budget.
We have introduced online pre-budget consultations as well, as you know, in past years.
I look forward to receiving the report of the committee with respect to your extensive pre-budget consultations.
I have always believed that Canadians should be able to participate more in the federal budget process. In addition to my consultations as Minister of Finance, the prebudget consultations held by the Standing Committee on Finance give Canadians an opportunity to be heard.
What's more, recommendations flowing from your hearings always inform and influence the final budget document. I urge the committee to continue your consultations, as I look forward to reviewing the findings.
Earlier, I asked the Committee to study and quickly pass Bill C-51, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on January 27, 2009 and to implement other measures.
The Economic Recovery Act is an important component of Canada's economic action plan, legislating not only key provisions from Budget 2009 but other important initiatives as well. The Economic Recovery Act is but one part of our government's comprehensive response to the global economic crisis, a crisis that has impacted the world since it began a little over a year ago, a downturn that did not originate in Canada but that, in spite of our relatively strong economic fundamentals, has impacted us nonetheless.
As RBC economist Patricia Croft noted, and I quote:
...this is not a made-in-Canada recession. This started outside of our borders, but because we're a small open economy, we've been caught up in the economic turbulence.... ...I do think there's reasons to be hopeful, and I think there's a great story to tell about Canada in that we may come out of this recession much stronger than our global counterparts.
Our government, like this legislation, is focused on the economy. While we have recently seen tentative and early signs of early economic recovery both domestically and abroad, such signs are simply that--tentative and early. Recent positive economic data from the housing and job markets are undeniably encouraging. BMO economist Douglas Porter has remarked that “...the domestic side of Canada's economy is flaring back faster than anyone could believe possible”.
But that should not lull Canadians into believing we are out of the woods yet. For too many families in too many parts of Canada, unemployment remains all too real.
Even though Canada is in a good position to emerge from the recession relatively stronger than most other developed economies, as the Prime Minister has pointed out, we were drawn into events which occurred beyond our borders during this recession, and we are going to continue feeling the effect of those events, especially the ones that took place in the United States, our biggest trading partner.
The road to recovery will not be clear and straight, but bumpy, with sharp turns along the way, especially if we take our eyes off the road. As the G-20 leaders stated in their communiqué following the most recent G-20 summit in Pittsburgh, “A sense of normalcy should not lead to complacency. The process of recovery and repair remains incomplete.... We cannot rest until the global economy is restored to full health....”
So our job is not done, neither here nor abroad. We must stay on track. We must work to assure a strong and sustained recovery domestically; we must support the international recovery efforts; we must continue to implement Canada's economic action plan.
That is precisely what we are doing with the Economic Recovery Act.
Through this act, we are cutting taxes for individuals and businesses to grow the economy by implementing the first-time homebuyers' tax credit, by making the working income tax benefit more generous for modest and low-income Canadians, by extending tax deferrals to assist Canadian farmers in dealing with extreme weather conditions, by relaxing tariffs on temporarily imported shipping containers, and by implementing the job-creating home renovation tax credit.
Before continuing, I should point out the blatantly obvious. The HRTC has proven very successful. In raw numbers, even as the overall economy contracted, the volume of home renovation investment increased 2.2% in the second quarter of 2009, 9% on an annual basis. Indeed, a survey conducted for RBC Royal Bank and released last week revealed that almost half of Canadians renovating have done even more renovations than planned because of the home renovation tax credit.
As Bernice Dunsby, the RBC senior manager of home equity financing, noted, and I quote, “Did the HRTC accelerate Canadians' decisions to undertake renovations? I definitely think it did, especially those who may have been sitting on the fence.”
On a more anecdotal basis, it has become among the clearest signs to everyday Canadians that the economic action plan is directly impacting and benefiting their local economies. In the words of an Ottawa Citizen editorial, the HRTC has “...turned out to be effective and smart.... Even the quietest streets roar with hammers and saws. The result is brand new decks, roofs, driveways, and brickwork.... This is keeping construction workers employed who, in turn, spend money that keeps others employed. Home centres and hardware stores are humming.” This was exactly the right thing to do.
We are also strengthening the Canada Pension Plan in order to give Canadians greater flexibility in the way they live, work and enjoy retirement.
Included in these important reforms is the removal of a requirement for individuals to stop working or reduce earnings for two months in order to take up CPP. The reforms also allow more low-earning years to be excluded from the pension calculation.
I note, of course, that the CPP is a jointly managed federal-provincial plan, and neither level of government can unilaterally alter it. The reforms laid out in this legislation were unanimously agreed to and made public by federal, provincial, and territorial governments this past May as part of the mandated triennial review of the plan.
We are fostering global cooperation by giving low-income countries a stronger voice in the International Monetary Fund, and we are increasing Canada's commitment to debt reduction.
We are both improving government transparency and delivering on a 2008 election platform commitment through a new requirement for all federal departments and crown corporations to prepare and publish quarterly financial reports. We are, after decades of neglect under previous federal governments, finally ending the decades-long crown share saga to benefit the people of Nova Scotia.
In the words of the newly elected NDP premier of Nova Scotia, Darrell Dexter, and I quote, “Nova Scotia is seeing progress on the Crown share file.... I congratulate the federal government for moving forward to seal the deal. This is good for Nova Scotia, and good for Canada.”
We are supporting public broadcasting by increasing the borrowing power of the CBC/Radio-Canada in order to ensure the corporation's survival. These are only some of the main elements of the Economic Recovery Act.
I firmly believe that this important bill deserves the committee's support.
I am confident that through this legislation and the larger economic action plan, our government is helping provide the stability needed to ensure Canada maintains and builds on its current economic strengths as this global recession transforms into a global recovery. As the IMF and other economists have consistently declared, Canada is better positioned than most countries to weather the economic crisis. Indeed, we are forecast to have the strongest recovery in all the G-7 for 2010.
While we should take some comfort in such forecasts, we cannot use them to invite complacent self-satisfaction or inaction. Economic forecasts, as we all know, are just that: they are forecasts, although educated ones. They carry no guarantees or certainty. We cannot rely on forecasts of future prosperity alone to bring us that prosperity.
Inaction is not an option, and little political games are an insult to the people who elected us to represent them. The right thing to do for Canadians, in fact the only thing to do, is to move forward.
Move forward with Canada's economic action plan, forward with this legislation, and forward with the recovery. Only this will help build a stronger future for all Canadians.
The stakes are too high and the recovery too fragile to act otherwise. On that note, I am prepared to answer the committee's question.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.