Thank you. I have two other quick questions, and I also have a couple of comments.
My view is that the bill should not be too restrictive. Sometimes a B.A. covers a very wide area of study. We could cite a lot of examples, even in medicine; but let's take the example of a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, which gives you expertise in accounting, finance, marketing or management. Supposing someone has expertise in finance but holds an accounting job. That person should not be deprived of a deduction. So, I don't think the definition should be too restrictive. It's not written in the bill, but I don't want it to be too restrictive.
I don't mean to exaggerate. I am not talking about a doctor who goes to work at McDonald's; however, if the person's degree is in political science and he or she wants to work in a business, then to me, that is problematic. Does it have to be that restrictive?