No. In fact, what is consolidated at the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is simply a switch from a complex system already established under the act... This quite complex self-assessment system means that all federal government departments and agencies are required to conduct environmental assessments when decisions are required on projects. For bigger projects, the large-scale projects subject to in-depth studies or review boards, it often happens that two, three or four federal decision-makers take part in the same project. In those cases, they all have separate responsibility for conducting an environmental assessment for the project.
In practice, honestly, in many cases, this has resulted in a nightmare and a bureaucratic and administrative labyrinth leading to major delays at the start of the process, even just to start the process. In some cases, they have to wait 15 or 16 months at the departments concerned just to confirm that en environmental assessment is required. Once they are in a position to confirm that, they start one assessment, then another, for major projects subject to in-depth reviews for up to 10 or 11 months, simply to get through the first stage of determining what type of environmental assessment should be conducted.
The idea here isn't at all to transfer responsibilities from the Department of the Environment to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. For some of these projects, the environment department is one of the authorities responsible and is required to conduct an environmental assessment. In many cases, it's the other departments, such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada or Infrastructure Canada. The idea here is to get away from this system, where two, three or four different departments have parallel obligations with regard to a single project, and to consolidate responsibilities within the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.