No change is proposed in Part 20 to the way of deciding which projects will be subject to environmental assessments or to determine whether they require an environmental assessment. The part of the legislative summary you are referring to refers directly to exclusions that already exist by regulation and concerning which Mr. McCallum earlier asked how they were adopted last year. They are now permanent, those exclusions that were established for a two-year period, that were excluded by regulation last year. It is now being proposed in the bill that they become permanent exclusions.
A new power would thus be created in the act for the environment minister, in the event some project, an excluded project was to cause problems from an environmental standpoint or raise environmental concerns. That would be a new discretionary power for the minister of the environment: to require that such a project be subject to the act. That's new, to the extent that these projects had been excluded by regulation for a year. This is a power that did not exist, and it is not possible to create such a discretionary power for the minister by regulation. So that's why this is being done in the context of the act itself.