I have a lot of questions on the code of conduct concerning credit cards and debit cards. I have met with people in my constituency on this matter to talk about Visa's monopoly and that of MasterCard. However, without wanting to offend you, madam, you cited a document that we don't have since it is in English only and your presentation was in English only. Consequently, out of respect for my language, I won't ask you any questions.
The same will be true for the Tourism Industry Association of Canada.
However, I'm interested in asking questions about air transport taxes. Furthermore, Mr. McKenna delivered a text in excellent French and we're going to see from his answers that his mastery of French is equally excellent.
Mr. McKenna, on the first page of your document, you ask what the justification is for a 50% increase in charges and, based on the answers you gave Mr. McCallum, you seem to associate the revenue the charges provide to the federal government with the expenditures of the Air Transport Association of Canada.
Without intending any puns, how do you exclusively associate that revenue with those expenditures?