Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, for the opportunity today.
I am Timothy Egan, president of the Canadian Gas Association. I have with me my colleague, Alicia Milner, president of the Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance.
One of our asks is in respect to transportation. Should we take any questions, with your acceptance, I'd like to defer questions to Alicia on that point.
I will tell you a little bit about our product, then about who we are, and then very quickly what our asks are.
First, natural gas is, as we call it, the foundation fuel in Canada. Over 30% of our energy needs across the country are met by natural gas. It supports thousands of jobs and about $30 billion in annual export revenue. It's abundant, and increasingly so across the country. It's clean; it's not a primary source of particulate matter. It has a low GHG emission profile, and with a range of efficient uses, it delivers further environmental advantages. It's versatile.
Across the country, over six million Canadian customers are using natural gas. Those six million meters represent well over half of the Canadian public. It's affordable. With abundant supply, robust commodity markets, and efficient, competitively priced technology, it's affordable for Canadians across the country. It's also reliable, with an extensive pipeline infrastructure, and it's safe, as Canada is a world leader in safely producing, transporting, delivering, and using natural gas.
That's the product.
Who are we? The Canadian Gas Association is the principal network of distribution companies across the country that delivers energy services to those 6.2 million customers I referenced. Again, that's over half the Canadian public. We also represent transmission companies, manufacturers, and suppliers.
As I mentioned, natural gas is the foundation fuel. It meets 30% of Canada's energy needs, principally delivered through our distribution systems.
With that, what do we do and why are we here before the committee? First and foremost, our goal is to educate Canadians about natural gas and the energy services we provide to Canadians.
Second, we want to promote initiatives that drive sustainability and efficiency using our product. We are a founder and a committed partner in an initiative called QUEST—quality urban energy systems of tomorrow. That's an initiative involving stakeholders from environmental organizations, community groups, other energy industry representatives, and academia, and it is aimed at developing and improving integrated community energy systems across the country. It makes efforts to recover a lot of the waste energy and improve our overall energy efficiency.
Third, we promote initiatives that drive innovation and efficiency, such as a new initiative we've recently launched called ATI, the advanced technology initiative. That is a cooperative effort by our member companies to pool their resources to look at deployment of new technology opportunities for natural gas across the country.
Fourth, we're promoting the use of natural gas in new applications, such as transportation and power generation where it has not traditionally been used as much as other fuels.
Finally, we want to raise awareness off how natural gas is the foundation fuel for Canada's energy system, not only today but for tomorrow.
We have three asks in our submission before you today.
First, we would like to see an extension and refinement of NRCan's current ecoENERGY efficiency programs. These are initiatives aimed at work on looking at the deployment and application of efficient technologies. These programs have been in place for years, and many of them may be winding down. We believe they should continue.
Second, we believe there is merit in creating a new initiative under ecoENERGY called the ecoENERGY communities program. I mentioned the QUEST initiative. There are numerous efforts under way by our member companies and others across the country to promote integrated community energy systems. Many of those efforts cannot get off the ground now, however, because of a series of barriers to implementation, such as municipal planning rules and regulatory frameworks. There is a need for support to set up a series of showcase projects to look at how those barriers can be overcome.
Third, we're looking for supportive measures to encourage natural gas for long-haul and return-to-base transportation fleets, very targeted supports for transportation in high-emitting sectors of the transportation sector.
With that, Mr. Chairman, I'll wrap up my comments. Thank you.