Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I'm Perrin Beatty. I'm president and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
It's a pleasure for me to present the views of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its 200,000 members who are active in all sectors of the economy and are present in all regions of Canada and employ millions of Canadians.
As you know, the Canadian chamber network is the most broadly based business association in Canada, representing close to 200,000 businesses of all sizes and sectors of the economy and in all regions of the country. Our members create the jobs, pay the taxes, power the growth, and contribute the leadership that provides the quality of life that we enjoy in our country.
We led the call for our political leaders to work together on a clear strategy to stimulate the economy, to ensure access to affordable credit, and to lay the foundations for long-term economic growth and competitiveness, and we saw results. Canada's economy weathered the financial and economic crisis better than most industrialized countries and staged an impressive turnaround. In only four quarters, the economy recovered all of the output and jobs lost during the recession. No other G-7 country can make that claim.
However, after the dramatic bounce-back, second-quarter GDP results provided telltale signs of a slowing recovery, and recent data give further confirmation. The near-term global economic outlook remains uncertain, and our economy faces strong headwinds from weak U.S. demand and overstretched Canadian households.
Continued vigilance and leadership are required to secure the recovery in jobs. In our submission we urged the federal government to follow through on delivering existing stimulus plans. The steady fiscal course is essential to reinforce consumer and investor confidence. We also stressed the importance of returning to budget balance over the medium term. Left unchecked, high and growing government debt will drive up interest rates, drain national savings, and threaten our future economic prosperity.
The October economic and fiscal update reiterated the government's pledge to balance its books by fiscal 2015-16. This outcome cannot be taken for granted. The government will have to follow through with its commitments to allow temporary stimulus measures to expire come March 31, 2011, and constrain growth and program spending to an average of about 2% per year, starting in fiscal 2011-12.
The opportunity to bring indebtedness down is rapidly ending as an aging population and slower growth in the labour force will exert significant pressures on the public purse. To meet the challenges we must address the longstanding structural impediments to growth. Now more than ever, leadership and courage are needed to dismantle the internal barriers to trade and mobility, foreign investment restrictions, overlapping regulations, and work disincentives in the income support system.
Additionally, a better designed and more efficient tax system would lift the economy's long-term growth potential. High marginal personal income tax rates discourage people from working, saving, and investing, and entrepreneurs from taking on risk. With growth in Canada's labour force slowing, our personal income tax system must be competitive so we can maintain, attract, and develop one of the most skilled and productive workforces in the world. That's why it's crucial that we maintain a strong focus on expenditure restraint to recapture our fiscal flexibility, to deliver meaningful personal income tax cuts.
Mr. Chairman, increasing business income taxes or reneging on promised corporate tax reductions to raise additional revenue is economically destructive. Businesses have a critical role to play in sustaining economic growth by initiating new investments and hiring to expand productive capacity. Loose talk about cancelling the reductions may cause companies to pull back. Businesses require certainty and predictability from their government to operate and to invest with confidence. Parliamentarians must keep their word.
Mr. Chairman, it has been estimated that giving up the planned three-point reduction in federal general corporate income tax rate would result in the long-term loss of $47 billion in capital investment and 233,000 jobs. We also need to ensure that Canada's tax system is fair, simple, and efficient.
Mr. Chairman, it costs businesses tens of billions of dollars each year to comply with their tax obligations, the lion's share of the burden carried by small and medium-sized enterprises. These costs are the result of excessive paperwork due to the complexity of the tax system, frequent changes in tax legislation, different rules across jurisdictions, and dealing with multiple audits by different jurisdictions.
Mr. Chairman, I recognize the time is short. I'll perhaps stop here, and I'll be pleased to respond to questions from any of the members of the committee.