Again, she can look at the voting record of the NDP on the budget in 2010, when this legislation came forward, and she'll see how it resulted.
I'd like to go to the transfer pricing. In the manufacturing sector, I think this could be a huge issue, in many different ways. Let's look at a manufacturer that's multinational and may be based, let's say, out of Italy. It does its cashflow or its transactions out of Switzerland. Manufacturers all around the world would be Japan, U.S., Canada, and Brazil. It does what they call market bearing pricing. The pricing they use, for example, in Brazil, for gadget A, would be $10, where in the U.S. it would only be $5. It's not necessarily based on the cost of manufacturing, but it's based on what the market will bear, or the analysis they do with competition to see what the market would pay for that product.
How do you take all those considerations into play when you start evaluating whether they're actually using this type of system for tax evasion, or is it just the way the market fluctuates for these types of manufacturers?