Thank you. There are actually lots of questions in there, so I'll do my utmost to touch on them.
First of all, let's begin with the premise that we are very lucky that we have these resources. Whenever we get to develop them and sell them to the rest of the world, up until now it has been like money in the bank. It's one of these things that may take time; however, we know it's money in the bank. So we're working on it.
I remember the days when for natural gas, we didn't have any liquefaction terminals, nor the ability to move it around. So it was a closed pipeline, North American market. It was completely divorced from global fundamentals. Now it's a little less divorced, because we can liquefy and export and so on. This shows you, again, exactly what can happen in the oil space, where if you have a constraint, you won't have an equivalence of the price here and the price out in the world.
All I can suggest is that as these infrastructures are developed in various ways, we have every reason to think that over time we become part of a truly global market. But the constraints, hopefully, will go away through time.
As to the implications for regionalization, if you like—or perhaps regional imbalances of economic activity is maybe the way to put it—I'm very heartened by the way we have adjusted to developments over the last five years.
If we cast ourselves back 20 or 30 years, it seems to me we would not have adjusted as well. It seems as though in Canada, our ability to adapt to these kinds of shocks has improved. People are more mobile. People react to these pressures, and off they go. That's great to see. It means that over time, hopefully over the next 20 years, those kinds of imbalances, regional ones, would be fewer than they had been in the past, because of those adjustments.
Bear in mind that when there is one like that, it's usually because somebody has decided that something we have is worth a lot more than it used to be. So we all benefit from that, because that's just more money coming in. And it's something worth adjusting to.