We would still continue to report on our performance and our departmental performance report, as do other organizations. What would be different is that the Auditor General wouldn't come in and ask to see evidence that we had indeed achieved the performance that we were reporting. That was an anomaly for just three separate agencies created around the late 1990s, early 2000s. That requirement was there. There isn't that requirement for any other departmental organization or crown corporation, so it was felt that that level of oversight wasn't required. It's been in place for about 10 years, and everything has gone very well for these new organizations, including Parks Canada. It was felt not to be a requirement, but that we would continue to report on our performance every year, as other organizations do.
And it's the same thing for the financial statements; we would continue to do financial statements. They would be presented to our external audit committee, but they wouldn't be audited by the Office of the Auditor General, so we would be on the same footing as other departmental organizations.