I call this meeting to order. This is the 70th meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance. Our orders today are pursuant to the order of reference of Monday, May 14, 2012. We are studying the bill.
Colleagues, as you know, we dealt with parts 1, 2, and 3 yesterday at clause-by-clause consideration. We have part 4 to do this afternoon and this evening. We are therefore going to start with clause 170, as you see in front of you on your agenda.
I will just remind you that we will finish once we get to clause 753. We will go back to clause 1. At that point, we have, as prescribed by the motion, until 11:59 tonight for discussion on these clauses, at which point I will have to put all the votes on any outstanding clauses.
I thought, colleagues, it would be easiest to proceed in the way we proceeded in terms of our discussion of the bill. That was to do part 4 by division. I will identify the clauses for that division and then have debate over the division as a whole. Obviously, we have officials here if there are any questions by members. I think that's an easier way to proceed. I am strongly suggesting we do so in that measure.
I know we have the five-minute rule with respect to clauses, but I would ask members to allow me to be a little flexible with the timeline. I don't think we'll use five minutes per clause, but I think on one division we should allow a little more flexibility than five minutes if one party wishes to make a number of points. I will just remind you to make your points as best as possible to the clauses and the subject matter therein. I will obviously be as respectful toward colleagues as possible.
Therefore, I will start with division 1. Division 1 deals with measures with respect to the Auditor General of Canada. It includes clauses 170 to 204. I am looking for discussion.
I will go to Mr. Marston, please.