I insist on my right as a parliamentarian to continue my presentation on the motion submitted to you earlier. This presentation includes important information on the consequences of the bill, particularly the issue of costs related to its administration and the fact that the government will now have to process tens of thousands, even millions of pieces of information. However, the purpose of all that, the objective of the bill and the problem it is intended to solve is not very clear to us. Furthermore, it could well have disastrous consequences for workers and for insurance and pension plan beneficiaries.
Now I will return to the opinion of the Canadian Football League Players' Association, which I had not finished presenting. Before we vote on this motion, I also want to provide you with some other relevant information. I would be remiss if I did not point out the red tape involved and the creation of a new bureaucracy and, in passing, quote someone who I think was right at the time:
“Cutting red tape is a most effective way to show that we are making government work for people, not the other way around.”