I believe that's a question for Minister Flaherty. I can only say from the Bank of Canada's point of view, as we laid out in 2009 in the midst of the crisis, all central banks have reviewed the full range of options. These are options that were not contemplated for a long time but were there in theory.
As you know, Chairman Bernanke was one of the foremost academic researchers dealing with these issues. So it was probably fortunate for everyone that someone so knowledgeable was in that position at that time.
The tool kit that we have available is there for when we are in an extreme situation, as when we've lowered interest rates as much as we possibly can. From then on, if the economy still has weakness or we're concerned about inflation falling even further and becoming perhaps deflation, that is when the textbook tells you to start looking into that tool kit.
We were clear then that in those cases we would make use of forward guidance, which in fact the Bank of Canada did, and that we would look into things like quantitative easing and qualitative easing. Those tools remain available, but I know we all agree that we're very fortunate we did not have to go into that situation and we hope never to do so.