Thank you very much.
I appreciate everybody coming today to testify.
Mr. Black, my questions will be directed towards you. I would suggest your testimony today is very appropriate, in that our job is, in part, to improve the Canadian economy, to build and secure our economy, and to increase productivity numbers. I would suggest and submit that your proposal does exactly that.
The future, indeed, looks bleak for our oil industry, which is obviously an economic driver now for our economy. We expect the United States to import less oil. We have constrained pipeline capacity, and we're, in essence, landlocked out of the world market. We're getting minimum value added to our Canadian oil, as most of our refining is done in the United States. Our real threats are not in relation to the supply, because we have one of the largest supplies in the world, but in the constraint in delivery to the world market. In fact, some experts have indicated that we lose $30 million to $50 million per day in the Canadian economy as we're forced to sell to the United States.
Now I understand your proposal is economical. It's a $25 billion investment, one of the largest investments, if not the largest investment, in B.C.'s history—6,000 construction jobs, 3,000 permanent jobs, 3,000 indirect jobs, annual revenues of $25 billion, with a 10-year payback. It sounds like an incredible investment, with one of the greenest, if not the greenest, refineries in the world proposed. Two-thirds of the investment capital is guaranteed, and you have a guaranteed customer with one of the largest refineries in the world going forward. I also understand you're working well with aboriginals.
My question to you today, Mr. Black, is this: what can the federal government do? I saw in your proposal two things in particular, one in relation to a study and the other in relation to a loan guarantee. Is there a precedent? Do you see that this particular proposal you're coming forward with is similar to, for instance, the Muskrat Falls proposal that went forward recently and was supported by this government?