This is common practice in the United States when it comes to taxes. For a long time, various federal organizations, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, have had well-established programs under which the information provided to help the authorities is paid for in an entirely prescribed manner.
In Canada, this is completely new. We have always had an anonymous lead program, but we have not had a system where people are paid, in a way, for doing Canada Revenue Agency employees' job. In such a system, people would build cases and be paid for that. Afterwards, the CRA could potentially recover some money.
The question that will arise is who is the most qualified to identify cases of international tax evasion. I think the Canada Revenue Agency employees are the best qualified for that task and have the necessary tools. Under this program, the government would be asking third parties to do that work. In addition, this could result in the CRA spending money on investigating pointless leads, since those third parties may submit poorly built cases.
Tax evasion is a complex issue. Everyone understands what tax evasion is and its criminal nature, but other cases will be fairly complicated.
So we are witnessing a culture shift.