Well, it's meat and potatoes. It starts with forums. For example in Vancouver, our counterpart to the Toronto Financial Services Alliance—a group called AdvantageBC—will host a forum for business and financial institutions in Vancouver to showcase the RMB hub opportunity. Our government is setting aside a small budget to help in these endeavours.
They will also be doing workshops at the sectoral level. The business dynamics of a forestry company, by comparison with those of a mining company or a high-tech company, are unique, and we think that workshops that are sectorally focused will be helpful in getting traction with businesses in terms not only of their appreciating the opportunity but, at a granular level, of knowing how you contract with a Chinese counterparty. It's easy to say, but it doesn't just happen; you really must have that granular appreciation. We think that's very important.
The other thing I'll add is that, from our reading of the literature, another opportunity for getting better traction on this is trade missions into China itself to switch on Chinese businesses to the opportunities that exist to do business with Canadian companies in RMB and to invoice in RMB, because you have counterparties here in Canada who may be interested in engaging with you in RMB-denominated trade. There is also a missing link in that these Chinese companies don't fully appreciate what is happening in Canada and that we are open for business in RMB-denominated form.
It will take years of working this initiative, but this, we believe, is the first step.