Typically we look at the Afghanistan so-called jihad. We saw that the typical age of people going out to join that jihad was between 25 and 35. We're now finding within the western world—this is in North America, Europe, and Australasia—that the age range has come down to between 14 and 25, and approximately 10% of the people who are going out to Iraq and Syria are women. That's something, first of all, that's different, and I can discuss the reasons why. One of the key vehicles of recruitment we're seeing now is the Internet, social media, and online radicalization. As a caveat, I want to say first of all that an individual doesn't go online to buy a handbag or a pair of shoes and end up becoming a terrorist. What happens is that an individual needs to be looking for something, and a charismatic recruiter is what they find, or a charismatic recruiter will find them online and take them down the pathways.
I think the Internet, social media, mobile phones, Twitter accounts, Google, Facebook, etc. are new phenomena that we've seen more recently in terms of recruitment, and I think we are all still playing catch-up.