Those sectors are the export sectors that we identified last year as being intimately connected to the U.S. investment story. They are things that companies buy for investment in their companies. It's machinery and equipment primarily. It's building materials. It's packaging materials. It's metal products, in a wider range. It's aerospace. As well, one that doesn't fit that is pharmaceuticals, which is another strong growth sector. These are what we call the leading export categories. They account for over 50% of the non-energy export sector. These are the ones that are growing fast. The other half or so are growing moderately.
Then, of course, on the other side we have the energy exports. They're okay in volume terms, but the lower price means that we get less money for each sale.
All of that taken into account gives us relatively slow growth in overall exports this year, but underneath that will be very positive growth in these sectors which are selling to U.S. companies.