I'm just looking at your economic fiscal outlook of October 2013, and it seems to me for 2014 you were predicting $100, and this is WTI; 2015, $90; 2016, $85; and 2017, over $80.
On July 2014, it was over $100; October 2014, $85; January 2015, $50; and April 2015, $57.
I think we're almost putting too much.... It's almost like asking who's going to the Stanley Cup. The closer you get, of course, the better you can predict it, but I don't know if we should put too much into any oil price figure going out more than two days, frankly. It's very challenging.
I think perhaps what a number of you were saying was let's not be too critical of the budget numbers and let's not be too critical of your numbers. There are two sets of numbers; take them for what they are. They're two data points and let's use that as information. But for us to say, yes, in 2017 oil prices are going to be this, I didn't hear anybody predict the oil price drop from $100 per barrel to $50. I didn't hear anyone predict it. I mean, everybody now is saying they predicted it, but....