Good morning. Thank you for this opportunity to talk to you. I am here to represent the Canadian Association for Neuroscience. We have over 1,000 members. We're all scientists from across Canada.
I'm here to urge the government to act on the recommendation of Canada's fundamental science review, which was chaired by David Naylor and launched by the science minister, Kirsty Duncan.
The number one recommendation of this report was that the federal government should rapidly increase its investments in independent, investigator-led research. This would be one of the best investments for Canada. First, it's good for the economy. Fundamental research leads to discoveries that fuel the innovation and knowledge economy that generates jobs for Canadians. Second, it's good for our health. Fundamental research is the way to find cures and treatments for diseases that affect all Canadians.
After years of declining funding in science, it is time to really show that science is back in Canada. The situation is currently critical. Canadian scientists are struggling to keep their labs open and to continue to do the work that benefits all Canadians.
Canada used to be a leader in supporting investigator-driven research, but this has changed. In 2003, Canada invested 2% of the GDP in this. This was down to 1.7% in 2016. According to the OECD, Canada is now second to last in the G7. We are behind the U.S.A., behind the average of all European countries, and behind even small countries like Iceland and Slovenia.
I want to finish with a quote from David Naylor, from the report. This is found on the website:
This report sets out a multi-year agenda that, if implemented, could transform Canadian research capacity and have enormous long-term impacts across the nation.
Supporting the full implementation of the Naylor report would be one of the best investments we could make today for Canadians.
Thank you again for this opportunity.