Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just want to make a comment in front of the committee before asking questions. It's more about actual physics than quantum physics. This week we witnessed the collision of two neutron stars at 130 million light years—not really close, but very interesting. The collision produced, surprisingly, gold, so let's not say that science can not produce wealth. It's a little bit of a stretch, but....
I will continue in French.
I am extremely sensitive to all aspects of scientific research, be it of the applied or basic variety. The latter is just as important because, someday—we never know—it may become applied. I am very happy to see that you are in a position of leadership in quantum computing research.
However, I would like to understand something. I know that, in other sectors, such as particle accelerators, various countries are working together at CERN, in Switzerland. When it comes to very focused research of this kind, which has a very good chance of commercialization, I assume that you are competing much more with other countries and that, if you fall behind, others will manufacture the computer and flood the market, ultimately leaving us with nothing.