Okay, I'll take the second question, and then I'll turn it over to Ms. Wilkins.
When we talk about the output gap or the economy's capacity, one is a broader concept than the other. The output gap refers to output, production, and we believe we are operating more or less at that level at this stage. Economic potential is a broader concept that includes using all of your existing labour supply.
What we see—and our labour market indicator in particular shows—is that it is still a percentage point higher than it was in 2007, whereas the unemployment rate is where it was in 2007. That shows that those secondary measures of capacity and labour market still have slack, and we won't be fully at our capacity until we've re-employed those resources through stronger investment. That's the process I was talking about before.
For a while we'll have a gap between those two measures. It's as simple as that.
On to the interest rate elasticity, I'll ask Madam Wilkins to comment.