Thank you, Chairman Easter, and the rest of the committee for giving me an opportunity to share the work of the Fraser Institute with you today. I hope you find my comments helpful and informative as you deliberate these important public policy issues.
I'm the director of fiscal studies at the Fraser Institute. We're an independent, non-partisan economic policy think tank. The mission of the institute is to help average Canadians understand the impact of government policies on their lives and the lives of future generations.
I've been studying tax policy for about a decade now and have published several peer-reviewed studies on a range of economic policy issues, including taxation and government finances. Last month I co-authored a study titled “Canada's Rising Personal Tax Rates and Falling Tax Competitiveness”. Many of my remarks will draw from the findings of that research.
I should note that my comments today reflect my own opinions and observations about the research we have conducted. I do not speak for anyone else at the Fraser Institute.
Let me start by saying that a competitive tax system is critical to fostering a positive economic climate. Empirical evidence from across the world shows that taxes can influence whether people engage in economically productive activities, such as working hard, expanding their skills, investing, and being entrepreneurial. These are all activities that ultimately drive economic growth and prosperity.
Over the past 15 years federal and provincial governments in Canada of various political stripes have improved the competitiveness of our business tax regime, but little has been done on personal income taxes. Personal income taxes are particularly important when it comes to building a knowledge-based economy and attracting and retaining highly skilled workers such as entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, business professionals, and engineers.
The new top federal marginal tax rate proposed by Bill C-2, as well as recent tax rate increases in many Canadian provinces, harm our ability to attract skilled workers, and in fact discourage Canadians from realizing their full potential.
Critically the new top federal marginal tax rate of 33% is being layered on top of several tax increases by the provinces on highly skilled workers. For instance, as a result of federal and provincial tax hikes, the combined top federal-provincial statutory marginal rate in Ontario has increased from 46.4% to 53.5% since 2009. That's more than a 7% increase.
According to the latest available international data, Ontario's top combined marginal rate is the sixth highest among 34 OECD countries, and the second highest among G-7 countries, behind only France. More broadly, due to recent tax hikes, the combined top rate is now about 50% in six out of 10 provinces.
Consider that for a moment. In many Canadian provinces, including Canada's two largest, highly skilled workers can lose more than half of each additional income earned in labour income to personal income taxes. The economic evidence shows that high and increasing marginal tax rates discourage productive economic activity, making Canada a less desirable place to work, invest, and be entrepreneurial. They can also influence decisions about where highly skilled workers decide to live and work. There are many reasons why someone might decide to move to another jurisdiction, but empirical research shows that marginal tax rates play an important role in that decision, particularly for high-skilled labour.
The fact that Canada's tax rates often apply to lower levels of income than other countries further erodes our tax competitiveness. At an annual income level of $150,000 to $300,000 Canadian, every province's combined statutory marginal rate is higher than the combined rate in every U.S. state. This presents a clear challenge for Canada's ability to attract and retain skilled workers relative to our southern neighbours.
It's not just Canada's top personal tax rate that is uncompetitive. In most provinces a Canadian making $50,000 in Canadian dollars faces a higher statutory rate than they would in most U.S. states. This is despite the reduction in Canada's federal rate from 22% to 20.5%. In other words, Bill C-2 does little to address Canada's uncompetitive tax rates, even for the middle tax brackets.
The importance of a competitive tax system is not just fostering a skilled workforce. By discouraging productive economic activity, high and increasing tax rates ultimately diminish economic growth and prosperity. Indeed, because high and increasing tax rates adversely affect economic incentives, governments often do not receive the kinds of revenues they expect from these tax increases.
In closing, it is worth noting that past federal governments, both Liberal and Conservative, have acknowledged the importance of a competitive personal income tax system. For example, the economic plan of Paul Martin's Liberal government in 2005 called for lower personal taxes to “provide greater rewards and incentives for middle- and high-income Canadians to work, save and invest” and to “encourage more Canadians to invest in their skills and to remain in Canada, where their talents will help build a stronger, more prosperous economy”.
In 2006 Stephen Harper's Conservative government made a similar point in its economic plan. Unfortunately, since then marginal tax rates on highly skilled workers have generally become less, not more, competitive.
Thank you.