Our primary source on questions like these is our BOS, our business outlook survey, which is quarterly and quite thorough. Companies for quite some time have been talking about the uncertainty around NAFTA giving them pause in their investment decisions. A pause is one thing; another is a step further, where in a handful of cases, companies that straddle the border and have capacity on both sides of the border may be focusing more of their attention on their U.S. presence because of that uncertainty. It's very early days for this because these are long-term decisions.
Nevertheless, as we say, there are competitiveness challenges, which are, by the way, not actually that new. They've been with us for quite some time. They are often spoken about by the companies we talk to. Their investment, in fact, is doing all right but we think would be stronger without that uncertainty around NAFTA. The sooner it becomes clearer to people, I think, the better it will be for business decision-making
In terms of what happens to other sources of competitiveness, those are obviously very structural things in the Canadian economy, such as energy costs or regulatory burdens. Those are other things that companies mention to us.
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