It was very strong in the fourth quarter. What happened is that at the end of the year a number of significant projects in the energy sector reached their natural conclusion. So you have a bulge in spending, which of course only began, I'd say, two years ago, after the oil shock kind of got behind us. There was a bunch of spending that went through over the course of 2017 in particular, and that reached its conclusion. Spending in that sector fell, we think, in the first quarter. It's not because something has gone wrong. It's just that they finished, and the price of WCS is such that people are rethinking longer-term plans in that sector.
Investment in other sectors has continued throughout this piece, and actually, our imports of machinery and equipment continue to be quite strong, which suggests that investment is good, and we have good sentiment indicators in our survey. We're hopeful that whatever lull we're seeing is just a result of the uncertainty around NAFTA that is causing people to delay.