Okay. I'll be brief, Chair. That could keep us busy for quite a while.
To begin with a factual. First, the estimates that you referred to are the effect of the budget on the outlook, on growth rates, whereas the effect that was described in the budget and in the footnote—I think footnote 8 or somewhere around there in the MPR—is that the effect on the level of GDP is 0.5% the first year and 1.0% the second year. In growth rate terms it's roughly 0.5% and then another 0.5%. So that reconciles the numbers you discussed. They are all the same. It's level versus growth rates.
Second, I had talked previously about infrastructure as an enabler of growth. To me infrastructure can be a fluid concept. I guess it's any kind of investment that can be linked to future potential economic growth. So there's a wide range of examples from the most obvious, things like transportation—bridges or high-speed trains or rail or airport investments—or day care facilities, which enable parents to re-engage in the workforce, which gives us more potential. All those kinds of things are investments that can add to our potential growth and therefore good things.
In terms of the third leg of the stool, which is structural reforms, it's things that promote labour market mobility among provinces that relates to interprovincial trade. The labour mobility is not perfect, nor has it necessarily helped. There are policies that could make it move faster when we're trying to adjust to things.
Of course, more generally, as we discussed earlier, interprovincial free trade would help our economy adjust and perform much more efficiently.
Those are just some ideas, Chair. There are lots.