We know that in the market, publicly traded companies need to present risks to their investors, so they have a responsibility to represent in their statements to investors risks that are clearly identified in the short term. If you looked at the statements that come out from property and casualty insurers, for example, you would see that they're ahead on this game. They recognize that climate-related risks are significant challenges. Environmental issues are front of mind for them.
What we're finding is that, globally, people are recognizing that long-term environmental risks around increasing carbon pollution are a problem that should be represented as a long-term risk for many businesses. I will tell you that businesses are getting together to think about how they can represent those longer-term risks and how those can be presented to investors so that they can think about the appropriate decisions to take for their investment. What that will do, of course, is enable businesses that take appropriate approaches to get a lower cost of capital, because they will see a greater influx of people interested in investing in their business or their opportunities.
We're starting to see that work together. We've seen not only institutional investors and pension funds coming to the table worrying about their long-term investments and the environmental risks, but also large firms, both those that emit a large amount of carbon and those that don't. That's because they want to think about how they can become more efficient in the case where they emit a lot of carbon, and for those that don't, they want to represent the fact that they see themselves in an advantageous position.
We think working together to make this more clear to investors is critically important and will lend itself to the right kinds of behaviours for investment, both in firms that are in the resources and those that aren't. What I find in those discussions is that firms in the resource sector are looking for ways that they can responsibly address the long-term challenges that are presented to their businesses and therefore to their investors.