Thank you so much. That's an important question.
Of course, as with many complex issues, there isn't a silver bullet that we can go for there. Our research shows, however, that there basically needs to be action in three areas. One is taxation, making taxation more progressive, meaning those who can pay more taxes pay more. The second area is investing in public services that help the poor access certain services—for example, child care, transportation and so on. The third area is labour rights. I think that area is really important for us. We've seen a real decline in that area as corporate interests are put as a priority over workers' rights.
In all three areas, there's a lot that the government can do. For example, Canada's taxation system is very complex. Lots of things have just been added, but there hasn't really been a good review of the system to see where, overall, there can be changes made to make it more progressive but also to get rid of incentives or tax credits or deductions that really hurt women, for example. With pension splitting, for instance, husbands can basically just split their pension by saying so, without actually having to do it, and then go with the lower tax rate.
The second area is public services, focusing on the kinds of services that really help these women and making it more accessible for them to access employment insurance. It's still based on earnings rather than need, which makes it very difficult for women to access the system, especially the ones I gave as examples.
In terms of labour rights, it's about really moving on pay equity here in Canada—the government here in Canada has committed to pay equity, but the women are still waiting—and making sure that collective bargaining and labour rights are respected.