It's surprising. I was on this task force, and that's how I was made more aware of all these issues than I already was. There's a very comprehensive report that's going to be issued by the federal government, I believe, if it's not out now. I think it is out now, as a matter of fact. I'll follow up and get you a copy of it.
It highlights all these issues, and there are recommendations throughout. These are folks from the mining sector, the oil and gas sector and the forestry sector. This is across the country, but the theme is the same. It's all the same theme about red tape burden, confusion and delays, delays, delays. This is something that has built up over time. We have to decide how we want to deal with it in an efficient manner.
The government people, the bureaucrats are all good people, but they have a certain process that they follow, and that has to be the process. Unfortunately, when you're out there you're competing against China, India and all these other jurisdictions, and we have to be quite agile. We have to be on the ball.