Thank you very much to the committee for inviting me to address you today.
I am an associate professor and chair of the department of political science at King's University College at the University of Western Ontario.
My research centres on international political economy, trade, development and global governance. Recently I have been doing a lot of work on the global gender and trade agenda. I have two collaborative projects with researchers from the U.K., through which we're exploring initiatives that are aimed at achieving gender equality and women's economic empowerment. We're trying to identify best practices and develop policy recommendations on how international organizations in countries like Canada can best pursue gender-sensitive and socially progressive policies.
In this vein I'd like to focus my comments today to the committee on the gender dimensions of Bill C-86, and particularly as they're relevant to international trade.
I'll make four arguments to which I'll return one at a time.
First, Canada is a leader on the gender and trade agenda and many elements of the bill—the gender-based accounting, the pay equity act, and the establishment of a department for women and gender equality—are reflective of Canada's progressive and gender-sensitive approach to trade.
Second, at the same time I'd like to strike both a congratulatory tone and also a cautionary tone with respect to the bill. While these elements can be characterized as auspicious I think we're at risk of over-promising and under-delivering on the trade and gender agenda specifically.
Third, a pay equity act is meaningless for many if trade liberalization is pushing women into increasingly low paid and precarious work.
Fourth, from a budgetary perspective, using trade as a lever for gender equality and women's economic empowerment will require more ambitious commitments on capacity-building and knowledge transfer both in Canada and abroad.
Canada's gender-sensitive trade policy is aimed at supporting women's economic empowerment, it's aimed at closing gaps in welfare distribution, and it's aimed at minimizing the adverse impact of trade liberalization on vulnerable women.
There are multiple such initiatives under way that we can discuss in the question period, but it's fair to say that Canada is at the very forefront of this agenda. In the February budget, as you well know, Canada committed to subjecting its free trade agreements to gender-based analysis plus, or GBA+, an assessment that takes into account gender and other intersectional identity characteristics.
This is very important because, as we know, the impacts of trade liberalization are gendered, especially in terms of employment and wages, but also in terms of job segregation and working conditions, in terms of consumption, and on the provisioning of public services. This also has to include a consideration of how these things have the potential to increase unpaid labour in the household.
Although we know this about the gendered nature of trade liberalization, it's only recently been acknowledged that we need to adopt an evidence-based approach to generating sex-disaggregated data and reliable methodological tools for measuring the gender impact of existing and proposed trade deals.
I'll say again that I think the risks of over-promising and under-delivering on this agenda are quite real.
We're truly at the cusp of establishing best practice in the field. But conducting rigorous GBA+ analysis is best described as ad hoc and aspirational at this time. It's never been applied to a free trade agreement before. That means that this is a really good opportunity for us, and while Canada is using GBA+ to conduct an ex ante assessment of its FTA with Mercosur, most experts, including the chief economist of Canada, acknowledge that we lack reliable and sufficiently granular data to fully assess the impact of proposed trade deals.
This means that in the absence of a well-established methodology in sex-disaggregated data, we're relying on anecdotal and voluntary reporting, mainly from businesses, but also from academics and non-governmental organizations, including women's rights organizations.
The government's commitments to fund evidence-based policy on gender equality are absolutely crucial, so this is the celebratory tone. That $6.7 million over five years to StatsCan to fund a centre for diversity inclusion statistics is absolutely essential. That $5 million per year to the department of women and gender equality is absolutely crucial. And $1.5 million over five years to fund coordination among the departments of Finance, women and gender equality, and StatsCan is essential.
The priority of the department of women and gender equality and its new minister needs to be better coordination between all of these agencies.
And further, if we're to make good on our claims about intersectionality in GBA+, then we need data on the impacts of trade agreements on other vulnerable groups in Canada, including indigenous populations.
It's also notable that we've only committed to conducting GBA+ on new trade agreements. This tells us nothing about the gendered impacts of the many trade agreements to which we already belong, many of which are named in this bill.
The pay equity act and the establishment of a department for women and gender equality are among the most exciting, progressive and important dimensions of the bill, and considered in tandem with the gender budgeting act, they have the potential to greatly improve the lives of many women. However, there's a lot at stake if we fail to get the GBA+ right in the field of trade, and this has direct implications for the pay equity act.
I said before that pay equity will be meaningless if, by the same token, we're concluding trade deals that push women into jobs that are precarious and low pay and/or shift the burden of care work more squarely onto their shoulders. Similarly, Canada's approach to negotiating investor protection in deals like CPTPP and CETA, for example, may be considered socially regressive because of the dangers associated with regulatory chill. We need to ensure that investor protections do not curtail government's duties to protect women's rights or work at cross-purposes with other elements of our gender equality agenda.
We could take a minimalist approach. We could take a “do no harm" approach. A minimalist approach is to conduct good GBA+ to simply ensure that new trade agreements do no harm, that they do not increase gender-based or other forms of inequality. This would mean conducting ex ante GBA+ using sex-disaggregated data along four dimensions in terms of employment and wages, consumption, access to public services and effects on entrepreneurship.
It's worth noting that most gender-based assessment of free trade agreements focus only on the first category—employment and wages. I think Canada can do a lot better, and focus on the impacts on those other three dimensions as well.
A maximalist approach would have us using trade as a lever for gender equality. This a circumstance where we could conduct both ex ante and ex post assessments of free trade agreements along those four dimensions. We would look at how proposed free trade agreements would impact women and other vulnerable groups, and then we would take stock of how existing free trade agreements have been affecting women and other vulnerable groups.
It would involve introducing measures to mitigate the adverse gendered impact of trade liberalization. This is where the buck stops in the bill. We've committed to conducting assessments of the impacts of free trade agreements, but we're saying nothing about mitigating the adverse effects of trade liberalization on women and other vulnerable communities.
We need a proactive approach, an approach that would have us working with our trade partners, and finding ways to use trade in a meaningful way as a lever for gender equality and creating new opportunities, not only for women entrepreneurs but for other women who are engaged in the Canadian economy.
From a budgetary perspective, Canada would be working at home and abroad to engage in capacity-building and knowledge transfer to reduce the barriers to women's economic empowerment and to reduce their precarity.
To conclude, I would say that we're saying all of the right words, and these words are reflected in Bill C-86. We have promised to submit federal budget items to gender and diversity impact assessment. Given that trade is a social justice issue and that trade policies affect women and other vulnerable groups differently and profoundly, this is a welcome move.
If we are to deliver on these words, however, then we have to have reliable trade-related, sex-disaggregated data. We need to take concrete measures minimizing the adverse impacts of trade on women and other vulnerable groups, and we need to identify and fund pathways for using trade as a lever, both for sustainability and gender equality.
I think that successfully delivering on this agenda could really improve the lived experiences of women in Canada and abroad.