Withholding tax is imposed by the foreign state, so it wouldn't be on the Canadian tax return. It would just be how much foreign tax you're paying.
It's a bit of a tricky question, because of the specific facts. It might be more likely for a Canadian to invest, say, through their RRSP, in a publicly traded company that might have business activities in Madagascar. Of course, if it's in an RRSP, it would be received tax-free, or free of Canadian tax, and then the specific tax consequences would follow, based upon whether it's a Canadian company with business in Madagascar or a public company in Madagascar that's traded on a public stock exchange. That's one of the conditions that generally has to be met for funds to go into the RRSP.
It's a surprisingly complicated question, depending on the facts, and a number of unstated variable [Inaudible—Editor], but the general idea is that on these investments, you'd have a certain cap for withholding-tax rates, for example, that could be imposed by the foreign government. You'd have certainty on the most they could charge, and so you'd know better what your after-tax yield is going to be on your investment. Of course, if you have a hundred-dollar bond that earns a 5% rate of return, then you say, “Well, okay, what's my after-tax rate of return going to be?” You can figure out what your Canadian taxes are going to be—zero, if it's in your RRSP or TFSA, or whatever your marginal rates are if you hold it personally. Then you add, on top of that, foreign taxes that could be applied.
In determining the foreign tax consequences, this would provide some certainty. I think, for individuals, not corporations, another important factor is the residency and the rules that can apply in the tax treaty when you go to work abroad at a facility in Madagascar, and you want to know that Canada's not going to be taxing you on your worldwide income at the same time that Madagascar is. Really, for individuals or normal people, as opposed to corporations, that's one of the big uncertainties addressed by this bill.