At this time, it's still difficult to say. Certainly you're right that in the surveys, our own survey in particular, companies are mentioning that. They were mentioning that as a possibility back in our previous survey.
It comes in the context in which expectations for future investment were actually pretty strong. However, as we've noted, companies have been holding back their investments because of uncertainty around the future of NAFTA. That uncertainty was lifted for a time late last year once the CUSMA was signed, but it seems to have re-emerged in light of the difficulties around ratification.
That's important context. All other things equal, I would expect to see a response to this tax change, but we haven't any data on investment yet for 2019. Our first data will be in about four weeks' time. At the end of May, we'll get the first quarter data on actual investment spending. Before that time, I would have to wait and see what the data would say.