I'm just trying to buy some extra goodwill with him as I talk.
We recognize that in extending the mineral exploration tax credit for one year the government has finally understood that they need to do some work with the mineral exploration community; however, that is not sufficient to create the kind of climate we need in terms of stability for development and exploration. We've seen a 90% downturn in exploration since 2007. We've seen layoffs across Canada in terms of exploration projects. The Prospectors and Developers Association has been calling for at least a three-year extension so that we can get the kind of financial climate to bring investors back into Canada for exploration.
I think part of this is based on the great uncertainty that the exploration community has about the Liberal government's commitment. We remember that in 2005, it was the Liberal government that killed the flow-through shares mining program. They didn't believe in working with the sector. We've seen zero commitment on the Ring of Fire. This is a development that will have a huge impact for generations to come.
There are really three pillars if we're going to develop exploration and develop resources in Canada. Number one will be strong relationships with indigenous communities so that they are able to fully benefit. Number two is strong environmental regulations so that these projects are credible. Number three is creating a coherent financial climate to bring investors into these developments, because many of them are very high risk. They're long-shot operations. They go through many downturns in an economic cycle. It's very hard to maintain economic interest with investors if we do not have a climate that's stable.
Having a mere one-year extension in the mineral exploration tax credit doesn't cut it, particularly when the government is telling the industry they're going to have to justify why they need these basic supports for investments. The New Democrats are saying that this program works. We have to get this industry working because northern Canada is being left behind in the economic renewal. For many of our provinces it's a major driver, particularly in northern regions. If we have a five-year extension, it will provide the kind of economic certainty for investment so that we can start to get these projects off the ground.