We have already reached over 80,000 students and would like to reach more.
Therefore, we recommend a $2.5-million funding over the next five years to continue with CareerMash.
Next is funding experiential learning opportunities in the technology sector. It is, again, something that is required. Even our Governor General, David Johnston, said that he wouldn't start a university if he didn't have an experiential learner in every student. Therefore, ITAC recommends $7 million funding over the next five years to develop a broad and inclusive experiential learning program under the ITT sector.
Last is a holistic approach to consultation, taxation, and innovation. We need to find a way to scale our companies in Canada, and the way to do that is a holistic approach to R and D and innovation in Canada. Therefore, we recommend a comprehensive consultation and tax consultation that fosters R and D spending and innovation in Canada.
Those are my comments, Mr. Chairman. Thank you very much.