Yes, we have. I'll speak specifically to the north, and I'll make one other comment on that because we do business all over Canada, although the north is my priority.
Let's look at economic development. I'm going to talk a little about the community of Sandy Lake. It's a great community. It's an indigenous community in northern Ontario. Sandy Lake has great leadership. It's about 2,400 people. It's growing at about 6% a year, so if you do your math, you see that about every 12 years it doubles.
It has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world. It was the highest rate 10 years ago, and it's still one of the highest rates. It has a diabetic clinic. It also has, because there are a lot of kids there, a great arena. When they turn the lights on at that arena, they have a brownout over at the clinic.
They constantly have to make a decision about where their priority is in the community. I would always say it should be the kids. The kids are lacking in opportunity, but there's also a lack of economic opportunity, because if somebody goes in there and tries to operate a business, they're going to pay a much higher rate than the subsidized rate. The way the rate structures are, you cannot have economic development. It's straight, clean, and simple.
With a renewable system, just by its very nature, you build it out to more than the capacity. I'll give an example. If it's a solar system, then you're going to try to maximize the penetration of a renewable to displace the diesel. For the summer months and the shoulder seasons, the spring and the fall, you have excess generation capacity.
We've looked at and started to model what you could do with that. If it's already paid for by what we call a power purchase agreement with the utility, so that you already have your economics there, and you have excess capacity for eight to nine months a year, what would that mean to the community?
We started looking at that excess capacity that has to be built in and we looked at giving it to the community for free, because you're going to be in a community partnership. The community is going to have 51% ownership in any of these partnerships.
What would that do for economic development? It means that in the winter months they'll pay more, but in the summer, spring, and fall they pay a little bit or they pay nothing. That is an economic generator for those communities.
Some of the employment opportunities that would come from an investment that takes a lot of power are not possible. It is possible with these renewables, but it is not possible with diesel. It's impossible.
One of the other things that it does, and we looked at this, is grow Nutrition North. It's a federal policy. There's a big problem with nutrition in these northern communities. It's not just that they traditionally don't eat a lot of produce, but when you go into a northern store and you see a head of lettuce and it's $9.95 and it looks like it was kicked around as a soccer ball, and then you can get a two-litre bottle of Coke for $2.99, what are you going to take? I think the answer is fairly clear.
We started to ask, if you put renewable energy in, what are the other opportunities? There are things called vertical greenhouses, and they're incredible. The technologies are here today, and they work in the north if you have power that is affordable.
We see a lot of these secondary and tertiary economic opportunities that could be realized through getting rid of these diesels and all those things that you don't want for economic development, and it is real.
I have one last comment. In the province of Ontario, we also do compressed air. We have the first compressed air contract in southern Ontario, and our president has written an article, an op-ed piece, that says that if Ontario maximized storage in compressed air caverns around Ontario, they'd save over $11 billion in 20 years. That is economic development. That frees up government money to invest in another sector.