Absolutely. Most of our colleges are now involved in applied research and, for example, we have 30 technology access centres across the country. In Quebec alone, they have close to 50 college centres for the transfer of technology, CCTT.
Above and beyond that, I'll just give you some statistics with respect to the infrastructure. There are 763 specialized research centres and labs across the country, so, yes, we do have the infrastructure, but it's always nice to have more infrastructure, and the government has been quite good recently in putting up $2 billion with respect to post-secondary infrastructure. A number of our colleges across the country, in fact, received funding to build new research centres whether linked to entrepreneurship or to energy or to any other area that you can imagine with respect to applied research.
On top of that, there are already provisions by the CFI, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, which provides funding on a yearly basis for colleges and institutes in need.
Why do we need funding right now? I'll give you some examples. First, it is to increase the number of technology access centres, which are really centres of excellence in applied research targeted to specific areas.
Second, it would be to increase the funding that we currently have under NSERC to help small and medium-sized enterprises and to make permanent the social innovations funding, which we got under the previous government but which ended. It was temporary, and we would like it to be permanent, and we would like to have more funding because, as I said earlier, currently we have to say no to industry when they knock on the door and ask us to develop a new product. They have an idea, and very often we have to turn them down now because there is just not enough capacity—