Good evening. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Genworth Canada is this country's largest private-sector mortgage insurer, with about 30% market share, and CMHC's largest competitor. The insurance we provide reimburses lenders for their losses when homebuyers default. Mortgage insurance is mandatory for homebuyers who put down less than 20%, and thus we serve primarily first-time homebuyers.
With insurers taking default risk, lenders are able to offer first-timer buyers competitive interest rates and to have confidence to do so across Canada and throughout economic cycles. We're housing-risk aggregators with specialized expertise. We're well capitalized, tightly regulated, and deeply experienced to properly manage mortgage-related risks.
Regarding the topic of mortgage rule changes, I will speak to two key points tonight.
First, the government has made numerous changes in the insured-mortgage segment over the past couple of years, some with impacts yet to be felt. To avoid a potential tipping point, it's critical that we take a pause and assess the cumulative impact prior to considering any additional changes, including the current risk-sharing proposal.
Second, the changes to date have largely targeted aspiring first-time homebuyers, making it harder for them to gain a foothold in the housing market today. Home ownership and the opportunity to build equity through the forced savings mechanism of a mortgage payment is an important cornerstone of the financial plan for many young families. We believe they aren't the problem and that further targeting of this segment is not the best solution.
Insured first-timers are the most tightly regulated and rigorously underwritten borrowers in the market today. These buyers reside in all regions across Canada, range in age from 25 to 40, and typically demonstrate stable employment, with average household incomes of $80,000 to $100,000. They buy homes they can afford, often below market averages, especially in Toronto and Vancouver. Their credit scores reflect fiscally prudent responsible borrowers, averaging a score of 752 last year.
Canada's mortgage finance system is a proven model. The rest of the world views our mortgage insurance structure as a best practice and a key contributor to our mortgage finance stability. During the global financial crisis, U.S. delinquencies rose above 5%. By contrast, Genworth's worst vintage year to date is 2007, which peaked in 2009 at 0.95%.
Our submission highlights nearly two dozen federal interventions since 2008, primarily targeting the insured market and first-time buyers. While many of these changes have contributed to the overall strength of our mortgage finance system, some may have gone too far. The most recent changes, last October, for example, are significant, the impacts of which are yet to be fully observed. I can't stress enough that it's going to take time before we know their total cumulative effect on the market.
We believe implementing any more changes could tip the market too far, creating the kinds of housing challenges these measures seek to prevent and hurting new buyers, existing homeowners, and the broader economy in the process.
Let me address the last two changes specifically.
In December 2015 the government increased minimum down payments on homes selling over $500,000. While targeting the strong Toronto and Vancouver markets, these changes had an impact on other markets too. Calgary, in particular, was hit quite hard, with approximately 12% of insured buyers affected by the change. As you know, this market was already under pressure and didn't need any additional cooling. In fact, only 13% of the Toronto and Vancouver buyers were making down payments small enough to be impacted, despite the much higher average price in these regions. Given how little the first-time buyer participates in these two cities, it's not surprising that, despite these and other changes to date, significant home price appreciation in Toronto and Vancouver continued.
National solutions are perhaps ill-suited to address local market challenges. Recently Vancouver's market has started to slow. However, it appears to be driven by a local solution to a local challenge—specifically, foreign buyers.
Last October brought more changes, including an interest rate stress test for insured buyers. While we support the concept of a stress test, we believe the target was set too high. Let me be clear; this was a significant change. Under this new test, approximately one-third of the first-time buyers we approved in 2016 would now be offside.
These buyers face stark choices: buy a less expensive home, perhaps a condo or a home further from work; ask their parents for more money; delay their purchase to save for a larger down payment; or consider a bundled loan from a private lender. It's this last option that should concern us most, pushing first-time buyers into the private lending space, a segment that continues to grow as mortgage insurance rules tighten. This segment represents a higher-cost option, with limited transparency and regulatory oversight.
To conclude, in 2010 the insured market represented approximately 40% of annual originations. With the cumulative changes, it's expected to drop to around 20% this year. Home prices and related mortgage debt are growing the fastest in segments of the market that are not accessible to first-time buyers, yet even though they're not driving the problem, they're the ones absorbing all the consequences, making it even harder for them to access responsible home ownership.
The big question we need to ask is this. What's the cumulative impact of all these changes for home prices, demand, first-time buyers, and the growing unregulated sector?
What should the government do? In our view, take a pause. Study the impact of all the changes made to date before considering any more. Second, if after that study it is deemed that more change should be considered, modify the stress test to better reflect future rate expectations. Third, given the number of potentially damaging consequences, do not proceed with a risk-sharing model. Finally, continue to work closely with other levels of government to study and address individual housing markets at the regional level.
Thank you for your attention to these issues. We're happy to take any questions you might have.