No problem.
I have a more serious question.
The committee produced a report with 14 recommendations. A number of them came with timelines. In your response to the report, you committed to a lot.
The first recommendation I would like to deal with is recommendation 3, which deals with negotiated settlements. You said that you were going to review the way in which you handle negotiated settlements.
That clearly is a result of the KPMG affair, when KPMG clients were able to negotiate settlements. In fact, it seems that we have to call it a “negotiated settlement” rather than an “amnesty”.
On the subject of negotiated settlements, your commitment was “for the CRA to be transparent about the process of negotiated… settlements”. Consequently, “the CRA will review its guidelines by March 31, 2017”.
Today is May 3, 2017. Can you update us on the new guidelines for negotiated settlements?