All you can do is put it on the record in the House of Commons.
Thank you, gentlemen, for appearing before us on part 4, division 7.
For the information of the committee before we adjourn, we did farm out some divisions of Bill C-44 to other committees. We have had responses back from them now.
To the citizenship and immigration committee, we farmed out division 13, and to human resources, division 14. They will not study those sections of the bill. The clerk will distribute the letters from the chairs of those two committees to members shortly.
On division 12, we farmed that out to veterans affairs; division 18, to transport; and division 4 to government operations and estimates. Those chairs have indicated they will study those sections and report back to the committee.
This means there will be three divisions that other committees will look at and report back to us.
Mr. Liepert.