Yes, sure. As Gord already mentioned, in terms of the wage subsidy we are very clear. The guidance we've given is clear, but it's not too restrictive in terms of giving room to the federal government to define what is beneficial for businesses as well.
For us it's very important that the subsidies that are paid out are really used to subsidize the wages of workers, but also that they allow employers who are not able to rehire their staff to put them back on the payroll, even if they are not back at work, working.
The tightening of the emergency wage subsidy could alleviate a lot of the pressure that is on the EI system now, both through regular benefits and through the CERB. Because the resources are finite, targeting help through the wage subsidy could help us spend our resources wisely at a time when they're significantly constrained.
Other than that, I think it's important to have fairly detailed reporting requirements for employers so that the money is used in the way it's intended. Far too often we have seen subsidies given to employers and being misused, and they hardly benefit communities.
We can perhaps target it for the aerospace industry, the shipbuilding industry, and air transportation as well—industries that we are now realizing are at the heart of the economy—and provide some flexibility, as Gord mentioned, for workers as well, and for employers to give the opportunity for workers to stay closer to the workplace so they are not going back home and possibly transmitting the virus.
Also, there's giving hazard pay to the front-line workers. That definition has been broadened during this pandemic. Our concept of what it means to be at the front line is significantly different. We do need to develop better protections, through wage subsidies as well, for workers.
I just want to add that, on the issue of PPE, because the definition of front-line workers has changed, it is incredibly important that for employers.... We refer to screening officers, because I think that's where we've seen possibly the worst abuses of health and safety legislation, and it is incredibly important for those people to be considered front-line, and for both employers and public health officials to understand that general health guidelines don’t work in specific cases —