We shall call the meeting to order.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we'll start our study of the pre-budget consultations for 2020.
We have a number of witnesses here from the Department of Finance Canada who will have a presentation in a moment.
First, I want to thank all of the parties for getting their witness lists in on time under a very tight schedule. The clerk tells me that one of the difficulties is that pretty nearly all the witnesses have accepted in response to the initial calls, which surprises me, given the tight time frame. That's a good thing.
I just want to remind people of the other things that we agreed to the other day on the schedule, if people want to make note of these dates while the witnesses are going through some of these areas. On February 18, there is a 6 p.m. deadline for the submission of recommendations to the committee clerk. On February 19 at 3 p.m., we hope that we'll be able to distribute all of the recommendations by all parties to all committee members. We'll meet on February 20 from 11 until 2 and from 3:30 until 6:30 as a committee to discuss the report and the recommendations because—and we talked about it the other day—we have to give the Library of Parliament time to get its work done so that we'll be able to table the report in the House. There will be meetings, as necessary, during the week of February 24 to finalize the report.
Are there any questions on that?
Seeing none, we will turn to the witnesses from the Department of Finance. We have Mr. Leswick, assistant deputy minister, economic and fiscal policy branch; Mr. Marsland, senior assistant deputy minister, tax policy branch; and Ms. Dancey, associate assistant deputy minister, economic development and corporate finance branch.
I'm not sure who is leading off.
Are you, Nicholas?